Loss of Control In-flight (LOCI) Symposium

ICAO Headquarters, Montreal, Canada

Event description

With Loss of Control in-flight (LOCI) accidents resulting in more fatalities in scheduled commercial operation than any other category of accidents over the last ten year, reducin LOCI is a global aviation safety priority.

ICAO’s Loss of Control In-flight Symposium is planned as a 3-day event that will bring the aviation community together to address industry concerns related to LOCI events by:

  • L

    ooking at the range of contributing factors;
  • C

    onsidering what work is being done now and how it is being applied; 
  • I

    dentifying what more needs to be done; and
  • C

    oordinating efforts for maximum efficiency in use of resources to address this issue globally.

Event location

ICAO Headquarters

ICAO Headquarters Montreal Canada

Tel: + 1 514-954-8219 (ext. 7001) ​ Fax: +1 514-954-6769


Contact information


ICAO Montreal Canada

Rick Lee Send Email

+ 1 514-954-8219 (ext. 7001) ​ +1 514-954-6769
