Visiting address

Polaris Avenue 85e

2132 JH


Postal address

Polaris Avenue 85e

Hoofdorp , 2132 JH



Tel +31 23 568 5380

Fax +31 23 568 5389

Company information

Many Governments have moved the responsibility for the provision of Air Navigation Services from civil service departments to outside organisations. We refer to this process as corporatisation. This blanket term covers a range of commercial models adopted with differing levels of independence from direct government control extending to the extreme case of privatisation. In all cases the government concerned retains responsibility for the provision of services but licences or contracts the corporatised body to perform the task on its behalf. The new bodies are required to perform the services safely and efficiently and have freedom to manage their businesses to achieve these objectives. These corporatised bodies have established CANSO as their trade association.

Company information

Headquarters location Polaris Avenue 85e
2132 JH Hoofdorp
Some facts
Founded in
Founded by
Company Size