Slovenia Control - Slovenia

Visiting address

Postal address

Zgornji Brnik 130n,

Brnik Aerodrom , SI-4210



Tel +386 4 204 0000

Fax +386 4 204 0001

Association information

Corporate Vision
With the help of highly qualified and highly motivated personnel, we at Slovenia Control, Slovenian Air Navigation Services, Limited strive unceasingly for excellence in the provision of air navigation services that are safe, flexible in capacity, advantageous in terms of price, cost-effective, close-to-nature and of the very highest quality, in Slovenian airspace and also outside as necessary, to satisfy our customers’ needs.

In conjunction with our business partners and institutional partners, we are endeavouring to put in place the Single European Sky.

Mission Statement
The mission of Slovenia Control, Slovenian Air Navigation Services, Limited is:

  • to be an air traffic control service provider with Single European Sky certification, providing air navigation services that are safe, flexible in capacity, advantageous in terms of price, cost-effective, close-to-nature and of the very highest quality, in Slovenian airspace, and also outside as necessary;
  • to be ready to provide air navigation services as an active partner within the functional airspace blocks in Slovenian territory.

Our mission will be carried out by highly qualified and highly motivated personnel.

At Slovenia Control, Slovenian Air Navigation Services, Limited we have identified and defined the common values that guide all our employees and form part of our organisational culture, while shaping the very essence of our mission and vision as a company.

Attaining, guaranteeing and constantly improving the defined safety levels and targets is a basic guideline for the company, the aim being to achieve excellence in the provision of services that are safe, flexible in capacity, acceptable in terms of price, cost-effective, close-to-nature and of the very highest quality. Safety is prioritised over and above all the company’s other values.

For our partners, our customers and the public, we aim to be a reliable partner in our business activities.

Our aim is to ensure that air traffic is safe, orderly and efficient, thanks in part to the responsible attitude that our employees show to air navigation services.

Achieved by means of competence, accuracy, diligence, conscientiousness and responsibility in meeting the highest standards in the performance of work processes.

Dedication to Service
A socially responsible response to stakeholders.

An honest, impartial, sincere, trustworthy and friendly attitude to co-workers, colleagues in the industry and stakeholders.

Achieved through non-discriminatory, co-dependent and mutually supportive collective work with co-workers, colleagues in the industry and stakeholders.

We build on raising the level of the general, professional and specialist know-how of employees. We endeavour to develop a humane relationship to work and the people in the work process, and to train people to adapt rapidly to change. We invest in education for individuals to develop their careers and to achieve personal growth.