Airservices UK

Visiting address

10 Wandle Way

Surrey CR4 4NB


Postal address

10 Wandle Way

Mitcham , Surrey CR4 4NB



Tel +442086461110

Fax +442086461600

Company information

Established in October 2000, Airservices UK Limited is a consultancy company providing expertise in Air Traffic Management (ATM) and Airports. Our services range from consultancy, business management and analysis, project management, design, software development, test and integration, to resource management, be it on a contract or permanent basis. With our Headquarters in the UK, and associate Companies in macedonia and Central Africa, we are showing steady growth and expansion on a continuous basis. Airservices UKs in-depth knowledge and experience in the market as well as our fundamental understanding of Users' requirements at the operational, strategic and airport level allows us to deliver our Clients the best people with the right solutions to produce the best and most cost effective results.

Company information

Headquarters location 10 Wandle Way
Surrey CR4 4NB
Some facts
Founded in
Founded by
Company Size


  • ADS
  • AIM
  • Airspace Design
  • ATM systems
  • Consulting
  • Datalink Applications
  • Flight Data Systems
  • IT Solutions
  • Software
  • Workforce Management