LGS Latvia publish VFR eAIP using apsXML from Managed-AIS

Latvian ANSP LGS have published a world first an electronic VFR AIP (VFR eAIP), using the apsXML eAIP production software from Managed-AIS.  The new publication provides aeronautical information for pilots flying under visual flight rules in Latvia, in pdf and html format.
This first in AIS follows on from Latvias publication of an eAIP in 2007, one of the first eAIPs published and a pioneer in making use of a direct connection to EAD data through the apsXML system.
Whilst the VFR eAIP is a first, it follows the publication of a pdf VFR Manual by Nav Portugal in 2010. The Portuguese VFR Manual is created and maintained using FrameAPS the unstructured version of apsXML.
Andrew Barrett , Managed-AIS Managing Director, commented, Working with the AIS team at LGS previously has taught us that they have pushed the boundaries and led the way in AIS provision in Europe and around the world. The VFR eAIP is the latest example of this, we would like to congratulate the Latvian AIS on their achievement. We are proud that they chose to use apsXML for this project.
For more information on the Latvia VFR eAIP, visit https://ais.lgs.lv .
apsXML is the worlds number one eAIP production software. The software supports the production of eAIP and other aeronautical documents with updatable AIXM data links, secure multiple user document storage and html and pdf previewing throughout the production process.


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