Visiting address

A3 Technology, Inc. 311 So. New York Road Redding Office Park Ste. 36

NJ 08205

Galloway Township

Postal address

, NJ

United States


Tel (609) 652-7933

Fax (609) 652-9989

Company information

A3Technology has comprehensive expertise in the modernization and maintenance of the FAA En Route, Terminal, Oceanic, Voice Switching and Weather Systems. Our team provides training services for Air Traffic Control (ATC) Specialists, human factors engineering support for Aviation Security systems and Information Technology (IT) support services for commercial and government office automation systems. We have over 90 Employees, supporting the WJHTC, FAA Headquarters, FAA field sites, US Mint and the DOT.

Company information

Headquarters location A3 Technology, Inc. 311 So. New York Road Redding Office Park Ste. 36
NJ 08205
Galloway Township
Some facts
Founded in
Founded by
Company Size