Visiting address

755 N. Mathilda Avenue, Suite 200

CA 94085


Postal address

, CA

United States


Tel +1 408.736.2822

Fax +1 408.736.8447

Company information

ATAC Corporation specializes in providing the aviation community with expert services in NAS-wide air traffic operations planning and analysis; airport planning and operations analysis; and analysis of military aviation operations. Our primary focus is on the development and application of state-of-the-art computer modeling and analysis tools. ATAC has been providing expert professional services to clients in both the private and public sectors since 1979. ATAC's services include the development and application of computer models, simulations, decision aids, and analysis tools; expert consulting in air traffic operations; advanced systems research and development; and studies and analyses in a variety of areas, including airport planning, airspace operations design and analysis, advanced technology evaluation, cost-benefit analysis, and environmental impact assessment. As an industry leader in aviation system modeling and simulation, ATAC has been the primary developer of the Performance Data Analysis and Reporting System (PDARS), the Airport and Airspace Simulation Model (SIMMOD) and the Integrated Noise Model (INM). Aviation models developed and available through ATAC span a wide range of needs for addressing operational, capacity, environmental, safety, and economic issues. ATAC has been extensively involved with the application of these models and simulations in studies and analyses. As developers, we possess unique knowledge and insight into the inner-workings of the tools that enable us to meet demanding, client-specific analysis requirements. ATAC has conducted airport/airspace design and analysis projects throughout the U.S. for the FAA; completed operations analyses at numerous military airfields and training areas for the U.S. Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force; and conducted capacity/delay simulations and noise modeling for airport authorities at complex sites such as Dallas/ Fort Worth and San Francisco. The foundation of ATAC's success is our staff's expertise, experience and education that cover a broad range of domains, including, air traffic control; operations research; aerospace, mechanical, acoustic and systems engineering; meteorology; physics; mathematics; software development; and database analysis.

Company information

Headquarters location 755 N. Mathilda Avenue, Suite 200
CA 94085
Some facts
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