CGH Technologies, Inc.

Visiting address

600 Maryland Ave., SW Suite 800W


Washington, DC

Postal address

United States


Tel 1 011 (202) 580-7445

Company information

CGH Technologies, Inc. was founded in 1989 as a woman-owned small business. Incorporated in the state of Maryland, CGH headquarters are located in Washington, DC. CGH is a forward-thinking information engineering and management support company dedicated to providing innovative solutions to meet each clients unique requirements. Incorporating the latest technologies, CGH focuses on services and products that add value to the decision management chain.

Company information

Headquarters location 600 Maryland Ave., SW Suite 800W
20024 Washington, DC
Some facts
Founded in
Founded by
Company Size


  • AIM
  • Consulting
  • Flight Data Systems
  • Safety Systems / Risk Assessment
  • Software