Visiting address

S:t Larsgatan 32 B

SE - 582 24


Postal address



Tel 46 13 352290

Fax +46 13 352299

Company information

C.N.S. Systems offers various systems and applications within the field of civil aviation. Users are for example Airline Operators, Service Providers, Airports and Airport Ground Vehicle Operators. The systems are based on state-of the-art digital radio and network communication technology, which gives our customers cost effective system solutions with low investment and maintenance costs. C.N.S. Systems Ground Station and Mobile Transponder form the cornerstone in networked systems. The unique transponder, VDL Mode 4 (ICAO standard) compliant and certified, is assuring reliable real time communication over this datalink. The transponder transmits its position, identity and other relevant data and is also continuously receiving data and positions from all other mobile transponders within range, i.e line of sight. Data is exchanged by broadcast or addressed transmission.

Company information

Headquarters location S:t Larsgatan 32 B
SE - 582 24 Linkoping
Some facts
Founded in
Founded by
Company Size


  • Avionics
  • Communication Systems
  • Consulting
  • Data Networks
  • Datalink Applications
  • Ground Handling
  • Other
  • Radars / Surveillance Systems
  • Satellite Navigation Systems
  • Software