Visiting address
Reykjavík Airport
Postal address
Tel + 354 424 4000
Fax + 354 424 4001
Company information
A reorganization of the Icelandic Civil Aviation Administration (ICAA) took effect at the end of 2006. This resulted in the establishment of a new limited shareholding company, ISAVIA, that took over responsibility for the provision of air navigation services and airport operations. The ICAA retains the responsibility for public policy and safety regulation as well as assuming a more assertive role in economic regulation.
Services are provided by two divisions, the Airport and Navigation Systems Division responsible for the operation of airports and navigation systems and the Air Traffic Management Division, responsible for the air traffic control services.
The Finance and Administrative Division is responsible for the companys finances, human resources and administrative services. ISAVIAs headquarters are located at Reykjavik Airport near the city centre.
ISAVIA is completely state-owned and its shares administered by the Minister of Transportation. At the time of its establishment two subsidiaries companies were formed as a part of the concern, namely GANNET Communications and TERN Systems, which is also partly owned by the University of Iceland.
ISAVIA has a staff of 240 serving in all parts of the country.
Company information
Headquarters location
Reykjavík Airport
101 Reykjavik
101 Reykjavik
Some facts