ITT- Radar Systems-Gilfillan

Visiting address

7821 Orion Avenue

California 91406

Van Nuys

Postal address

7821 Orion Avenue

Van Nuys , California 91406

United States


Tel +1 818 901 24 28

Fax +1 818 901 24 35

Company information

AIR TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT and DEFENSE SURVEILLANCE RADAR ITT's family of military radar systems represent the world's most advanced application of radar technology. With more than a half-century of radar experience, ITT is at the forefront in developing the latest generation of air traffic control and air defense systems. These include ITT's newest totally integrated tactical Air Traffic Control System, and the GCA-2000, providing area surveillance and precision- approach control capabilities in fixed-site, transportable and mobile configurations. Our other radars offer surveillance and precision approach control functions for higher capacity airports, land-based, long-range air defense capabilities, and naval air defense on the open sea.

Company information

Headquarters location 7821 Orion Avenue
California 91406
Van Nuys
Some facts
Founded in
Founded by
Company Size


  • Other
  • Radars / Surveillance Systems