Metron Aviation

Visiting address

13800 Coppermine Road

VA 20171


Postal address

, VA

United States


Tel 703-456-0123

Fax 703-456-0133

Company information

Metron Aviation is a leader in Air Traffic Management (ATM) systems worldwide. Customers trust and rely on the aviation technical products, services, and solutions that Metron Aviation has meticulously designed. The challenges are complex and ever changing but with Metron Aviation’s customized solutions in ATM and Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM), global customers and partners can proactively plan for and meet the challenges. Metron Aviation’s  standards of excellence and the engineering, science, and technology behind its products are unparalleled, serving air navigation service providers (ANSPs), airlines, airports, civil aviation authorities, the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and others. With partners and customers on six continents, Metron Aviation is solving the most vexing challenges in the aviation industry.

Covid-19 Recovery & Aviation

Air Traffic Management Software

In response to the uncertainty that COVID-19 has caused the aviation industry, Metron Aviation partnered with the Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation (CANSO) to aid air navigation service providers (ANSPs) to effectively respond to the global community’s recovery phase as travel restrictions are lifted.  Learn More.


Company information

Headquarters location 13800 Coppermine Road
VA 20171
Some facts
Founded in
Founded by
Company Size


  • Airspace Design
  • ATM systems
  • Environmental
  • Training