Visiting address

1 Kosmonavta Komarova av



Postal address



Tel +38 044 406 7793

Company information

Created in 2003, Regional Air Navigation Services Development Association (RADA) covers a variety of activities. The priority is the effective development of air navigation services in the Black Sea and Caspian Region. This target includes collaboration with international aviation organizations, governmental aviation bodies, personnel training, forming of working groups for solving tactical and strategic tasks of air traffic management, etc. Being an independent non-governmental international organization, RADA carries out expertises and analysis of aviation projects, required by aviation market. RADA provides monitoring, collection, processing, distribution of information and becomes a true centre of knowledge for its Members. The member list of Association is being constantly filled by companies that become RADA Associated Members, Partners and Observers. MISSION: The Improvement of Air Navigation Services, Safety Performance and Systems Efficiency at the Regional Level OBJECTIVES: - A Common Policy on, and the Harmonization of Air Navigation Services; - Safe, Efficient and Cost-Effective Air Traffic Management; - A Joint Strategy on the Implementation of the CNS/ATM Transition Plan; - Co-operation with ANS Providers, Air Space Users, Industry Suppliers, International Organisations and other Stakeholders; - Realization of Joint Investment and Innovation Projects at the Regional Level; - The Provision of Regional Air Navigation Services.

Company information

Headquarters location 1 Kosmonavta Komarova av
03680 Kiev
Some facts
Founded in
Founded by
Company Size


  • Regulation (Governmental)