A6 Alliance Steering Board Meeting in Warsaw

- Warsaw, Poland.

The A6 Alliance Steering Board meeting has just ended at the headquarters of the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency in Warsaw, Poland.

The Alliance partners discussed the new edition of the European ATM Master Plan, which aims to make Europe the most efficient and environmentally friendly airspace in the world. They voiced their support for the future of SESAR, which should remain a technological pillar of the Single European Sky initiative, involving all key ATM stakeholders.

The discussion also focused on the relationship with EUROCONTROL and the Network Manager to ensure the efficient performance of the network, especially during the summer traffic peaks.

Finally, invited guests from EUROCONTROL, SDM and S3JU provided their insights on strategic issues, including civil-military cooperation.

The A6 Alliance Steering Board meeting has just ended at the headquarters of the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency in Warsaw, Poland.

A6 Alliance
A6 Alliance


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