AEA: European airlines achieved record load factor of 81 % in 2014

According to initial estimates, AEA member airlines achieved a record load factor of nearly 81% in 2014. The airlines participating in the AEA’s traffic data analysis welcomed on board of their domestic, European and Intercontinental flights 11 million extra passengers in 2014 compared to the previous year. Despite the very slow economic growth in Europe this represents an increase of 3%. In terms of RPK (Revenue Passenger Kilometre) this represents a growth of 4.4 %.
Three quarters of the passengers flew on Intra-European routes. As in 2013, the greatest proportional increase was seen on the long haul network which registered a passenger growth of 4.5 %. On routes within Europe, including domestic services, passenger growth amounted to 2.7 %.
With only modest capacity expansion, this increased demand has been met thanks to the commercial strategies of the airlines and better aircraft utilisation.
Freight traffic measured in FTKs will post growth in excess of 2% in 2014. Although an improvement on 2013, which saw a growth of just +1.9%, freight growth to/from Europe transported by AEA members remains subdued.
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