Associations call on the Dutch Presidency to drive forward the EU Aviation Strategy

On the eve of the EU Aviation Summit, the European airspace user associations (AEA, EBAA, EEA, ELFAA, ERA and IACA *) are urging the Dutch Presidency to strengthen the European Commission’s (EC) Aviation Strategy. “The EC’s Aviation Strategy needs to be strengthened with more concrete and ambitious deliverables”, the associations say. “This is a unique opportunity to improve the Strategy and ensure it delivers a set of concrete initiatives that will bolster our industry and improve its competitiveness.”
In December 2015 the European Commission published its long-awaited new Aviation Strategy to improve the competitiveness of European operators. AEA, EBAA, EEA, ELFAA, ERA and IACA welcomed this initiative and the fact that for the first time European aviation was recognised as a key driver of economic growth, jobs, trade, mobility and connectivity. However, the Strategy’s proposals for action lacked ambition.
More work is needed to drive down external costs imposed on air operators, improve the environmental performance of the currently inefficient air traffic control provision above Europe, deliver new infrastructure both on the ground (at the level of airports and of Air Navigation Service Providers) and in the air in view of a true network vision, as well as controlling monopolistic infrastructure providers and reducing the regulatory burden on air operators.
The Dutch Presidency will discuss the Strategy today, Wednesday 20 January, and tomorrow during a high-level EU Aviation Summit, where topics including Smarter Regulation and Connectivity are on the agenda. “We count on the Dutch Presidency to give the Strategy the priority it deserves and, as an industry, we are ready to advise and support the Presidency in its work,” the associations conclude.
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