AEA calls on the European Parliament to push for the implementation of Single European Sky

This afternoon, the Association of European Airlines (AEA) will call together Members of the European Parliament (MEP), airlines and high-level representatives of the European Economic and Social Committee and EUROCONTROL to discuss the European Commission’s proposal on the so-called Single European Sky (SES) II+ regulation.
European airlines supported the initiative of the European Commission to revise the Single European Sky regulation. The proposal - presented in June – would mean a further step down the road of realising the long-held commitment to create a true Single European Sky. However, airlines believe that the proposed regulation is not ambitious enough to give a new impetus to enforcing the elimination of unnecessary delays, decreasing average flight-time and reducing the environmental impact of aviation.
“The Single European Sky is too important to be allowed to fail” said MEP Marian-Jean Marinescu, host of the event. “There have been countless discussions over these past years about a borderless European sky and the actions needed to accomplish it. We finally need to see the results.”
“European airlines are negatively impacted by the lack of achievements: the Single European Sky needs to be put back on track. We welcome the opportunity to be able to share our views with the MEPs. We urge the European Parliament to acknowledge the need for breaking the current deadlock of SES and adopt the legal framework of the SES II+, which moves from the status quo and that finally makes the Single European Sky a reality” said Mr Athar Husain Khan, acting Secretary General of AEA.
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