Malta Air Traffic Services issues preliminary market consultation for Digital Tower Project

Malta Air Traffic Services (MATS) has issued a preliminary market consultation in order to gather advice on whether a Hybrid Digital ATC Tower or a Fully Digital ATC Tower is best suited to cater for air traffic operations at Malta International Airport.
Within the next few years, MATS is planning to construct a new ATC Tower to overcome the infrastructural and operational limitations of the existing Visual Control Room (VCR) within the ATC Tower. Unless the required modifications are made to the current ATC Tower, these operational and structural limitations will limit the MATS's ability in handling the forecasted increase in complex mixed mode air traffic operations at LMML aerodrome.
Based on the information obtained in response to this PMC, MATS aims to be in a better position to determine how its business continuation, financial projections, and operational objectives can be met through the implementation of Digital Air Traffic Control (ATC) Tower technologies. The outcomes of this PMC will also help MATS establish the necessary requirements and specifications when it eventually issues a call for tender for the procurement of either a Hybrid Digital ATC Tower or a Fully Digital ATC Tower centre.
The full details can be found at the following link:
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