CANSO Members share practical steps to strengthen ATM performance sustainably in Africa and Globally

- Durban, South Africa.

Over 230 delegates from the air traffic management (ATM) industry met last week in Durban, South Africa, for a series of meetings that addressed key ATM issues in Africa and globally. The first meeting included ANSPs from across Africa to discuss further improving safety. The CANSO Africa Conference focused on how to strengthen ATM in Africa on a sustainable basis to meet the expected growth in air traffic in Africa, thus improving connectivity and bringing significant economic and social benefits across the continent. The CANSO Global ATM Summit discussed six leading-edge case studies that are helping to strengthen ATM globally and enhance safety, improve efficiency and reduce costs for customers.

On Friday 12 June, air navigation service providers from across Africa met to agree joint steps to improve ATM safety based on the CANSO Standard of Excellence in Safety Management Systems and supporting tools, with peer support between ANSPs.

On Saturday 13 June, a record 141 people attended the third CANSO Africa Conference. The theme was “Moving towards Sustainable and Safe ATM in Africa” and discussions included ways to build sustainable aviation infrastructure; and address future capacity demands in a sustainable manner in Africa. In his opening speech to the Conference, CANSO Director General, Jeff Poole, said the winds of change are beginning to have an impact on the political, institutional and infrastructure barriers to seamless and harmonised airspace across Africa. Through its strategic framework to transform ATM performance, Vision 2020, CANSO is already taking steps in Africa to manage efficiently for the expected significant growth in air traffic; to cooperate with States and industry partners in achieving seamless and harmonised airspace; and to improve safety.

The CANSO Global ATM Summit with its theme of “Strengthening air traffic management” took place on 15 June attended by 230 delegates. The keynote guest speaker was the Honourable Ms Sindisiwe Chikunga, Deputy Minister of Transport. She highlighted the mood of confidence in the future of the African region. She said investment is needed in air transportation, which is the core driver of the economy and creates jobs. South Africa has been at the forefront of promoting a single air transport market for Africa and it seeks to ensure other countries in Africa are aware of the benefits of full liberalisation. The Deputy Minister urged the meeting to promote gender equality in the air transport industry.

Charles Schlumberger of The World Bank talked about financing of ATM infrastructure. He said that the latest technologies provide a huge opportunity to ensure appropriate and efficient infrastructure, particularly in developing countries. He outlined the options for investment provided by sources including public private partnerships (PPP) as well as capital markets.

The aim of the Summit was to share lessons learned and experiences from what is currently being achieved in ATM. Speakers presented six innovative ATM case studies: OneSKY in Australia; remote air traffic control towers; converging runway operations; time-based separation of aircraft; GBAS (ground-based augmentation systems); and how ANSPs effectively cooperate in the COOPANS project. The case studies demonstrated clearly what can be achieved through innovation and strong partnerships.

The 19th CANSO Annual General Meeting took place on Tuesday 16 June. Morten Dambaek, CEO of NAVIAIR, was elected as a new Member of the CANSO Executive Committee and Ed Sims, CEO of Airways New Zealand, was re-elected for a further three-year term. The next CANSO Global ATM Summit and 20th AGM will be held 20 to 23 June 2016 in Vancouver, Canada.

Jeff Poole concluded, “I would like to thank ATNS for successfully hosting these important meetings for the ATM industry in Durban. The meetings demonstrated the practical steps being taken in Africa and globally to strengthen ATM. CANSO Members were enthused by the relevance of the content to their everyday objectives of improving efficiency, reducing costs and enhancing safety.”



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