ENAIRE allocates 1.8 million euros to the CRAMI system that allows the retransmission of data for air traffic control

- Madrid, Spain.

ENAIRE, the company of the Development Group that manages air navigation in Spain, will allocate 1,794,719 euros in the next three years to the maintenance, technical support and modernization of the Centralized System CRAMI.

ENAIRE technically and operationally manages the Centralized Aeronautical Electronic Messaging System (CRAMI), the only point of entry-exit of aeronautical information. Among other features, it allows the exchange between end users of flight plans, distress, emergency messages, related to flight safety and regularity, meteorological, aeronautical, aeronautical-administrative and service information.

On an international scale, due to ENAIRE's responsibility to act as an international gateway with other aeronautical regions, the Centralized Aeronautical Electronic Messaging System acts in the exchange of all information flows between the EUR Region (Europe) and the aeronautical regions of America and Africa In addition, it performs the exchange of aeronautical messages generated by European applications such as EUROCONTROL NM, EAD and EURONOTAM.

Recently, technological improvements have been introduced in the Aeronautical Electronic Messaging System, providing it with new functionalities that will offer more quality and capacity of its services and greater efficiency in data management.

Likewise, the new CRAMI supposes a better coordination and communication of the information in time and the supervision of the state of all the facilities of ENAIRE, work that is carried out from the Centralized Systems unit of SYSRED, located in an annex building to the Control Center of Madrid.

Centralised Electronic Aviation Messaging System (CRAMI) office at the centre in Madrid
Centralised Electronic Aviation Messaging System (CRAMI) office at the centre in Madrid


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