ENAIRE announces 91 new openings for air traffic controllers

- Madrid, Spain.

The Official State Gazette (BOE) today publishes the call for 91 positions for ENAIRE air traffic controllers. The entity continues to incorporate new air traffic controllers in line with the provisions of its strategic plan, the 2025 Flight Plan. In this way, ENAIRE continues to commit to providing itself with the necessary human resources to attend to the growth of the airport with guarantees of safety and efficiency. air traffic expected in the coming years.

In total, between 2016 and 2022, there have been 6 calls for air traffic controller positions, which means managing the incorporation of 665 professionals with a huge effort in training and qualification in ENAIRE centers and control towers.

The general director of ENAIRE, Enrique Maurer, highlights that, “with this new call for 91 control positions, a total of 756 new air traffic controller positions will have been created since 2016, which represents a renewal of 38.4% of the workforce. ”.

Selection process

The call for places is available on the ENAIRE website and the registration period is from December 12 to 26, 2023.

As a novelty compared to the last calls, this one has added a new knowledge test and the publication on said website of an updated syllabus for its preparation. The syllabus is available in the List of Occupations / Navigation III Convention / Air Traffic Controller section.

Once the selection process is completed, and as a condition for hiring, you must have an air traffic controller or air traffic controller student license. Candidates without previous experience must complete an initial training course that will enable them to develop the air traffic control profession.

Once hired by ENAIRE, they must complete a Unit training course estimated to last between 3 and 6 months, depending on the agency, which will allow them to provide air traffic controller service at the awarded destination.

ENAIRE will put out to tender a support service to facilitate access to financing for future candidates.


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