EUROCONTROL moves forward with modernisation project

The first meeting of the new Air Navigation Services Board (ANSB) was held today, marking a major step forward in EUROCONTROLs efforts to modernise and realign itself so as to respond fully to the objectives of the Single European Sky.
The ANSB was created in order to ensure that all of the major groups involved in air traffic management are integrated into EUROCONTROLs decision-making structures and can play their role in shaping the Agencys work in support of the Single European Sky. The new body will focus on areas where the EUROCONTROL Agency provides functions and services, and will in particular address business plans and business cases, financial commitments and strategic input to and monitoring of Agency projects and activities.
The ANSB is composed of eight representatives of air navigation service providers, five representatives of airspace users, one military representative and one airport representative. The first Chairman will be Dieter Kaden, Chairman and CEO of DFS, the German air navigation service provider. The first Vice-Chair will be Sylviane Lust, Director General of the International Air Carrier Association (IACA).
The meeting today marks a major change in the way EUROCONTROL works with its stakeholders, and is an important milestone in our drive to create a Single European Sky, said David McMillan, Director General of EUROCONTROL. While we remain an intergovernmental organisation, answering to our Member States, if we want to create the unified ATM environment that will form the basis of the Single European Sky we need to involve all our partners very closely in our activities.
The newly established ANS Board ushers in a new era of cooperation of airspace users, airports, the military and ANSPs with EUROCONTROL, says Dieter Kaden. The key objective is to agree views about priorities in shaping the future which should lead the business planning process of the EUROCONTROL Agency and enhance the efficiency of the overall ATM supply chain.
We welcome the reinforced role of the industry in EUROCONTROLs governance which demonstrates the willingness to modernise the way ATM is managed in Europe, says Sylviane Lust.
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