International aviation system is crucial to growth of global economies

Welcome to World ATM Congress!
The international aviation system is crucial to the growth of global economies. By opening access to global markets, people and businesses stay connected and this supports GDP expansion.
This growth comes with a cost. ATM systems are becoming more and more reliant on the exchange of information to improve air traffic services. The deployment of new technologies is required in order to support this growth; but safety and secure communications cannot be sacrificed.
Operational efficiency also cannot be overlooked. CANSO reports a decrease in the cost per IFR flight hour for most ANSPs in 2014. With this trend continuing, or even increasing, along with the increase in traffic volumes new challenges are created. As a result, centralization in airport operations will continue gaining importance.
Frequentis understands these developments and has solutions to address them. At this year's World ATM Congress we will showcase options incorporating the use of data intelligence, virtualization, high availability communications and smarter networks. These topics aren't just for large players, we also have solutions to address the special needs of developing nations.
Experience our commitment to the ATM industry and the support for the challenges ahead in the panel and presentations in the FREQUENTIS Aviation Arena.
FREQUENTIS Aviation Arena I 10 March 2016 I 1:15 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Cyber Security in the world of virtualised ATC
Presenter: Maarten van der Lee, Product Manager ATM Communication Solutions, FREQUENTIS AG
FREQUENTIS Aviation Arena I 10 March 2016 I 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
ATM grade Networks - connecting and collaboration (Panel)
Chair: Bo Redeborn, Executive Business Consultant, FREQUENTIS AG
Panel Participants: Alex Bristol, Chief Operating Officer Skyguide; David Bowen, Chief ATM SESAR JU, Paul Bosman, Head of ATM Strategies Division, EUROCONTROL; Hermann Mattanovich, Member of the Executive Board, FREQUENTIS AG
FREQUENTIS Aviation Arena I 11 March 2016 I 11:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Remote Towers in demanding environments - experiences gained by DFS
Presenter: Gerwin Vogel, DFS; Thomas Fränzl, Business Development, FREQUENTIS AG
FREQUENTIS Aviation Arena I 11 March 2016 I 1:15 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Frequentis and Comsoft Solutions - working together for a safer world
Presenter: Markus Heichel, Head of Sales, Comsoft Solutions; Günter Graf, Head of ATM Automation Solutions, FREQUENTIS AG
FREQUENTIS Aviation Arena I 11 March 2016 I 2:45 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
Challenges & Opportunities related to Aeronautical Data Quality
Presenter: Joachim Lennarz, Business Unit Manager Aeronautical Information Management, FREQUENTIS AG
We look forward to learning about your specific needs, exchanging experiences and continuing our commitment to enhance your business - for a safer world.
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