SITTI completed supply to India

The tight schedule defined for the supply of VCS systems to the Airport Authority of India (AAI) has not being delayed due to the Covid virus emergency situation. The last two lots found their way to their final destination according to the agreements with the customer. The last boxes of the last lot left SITTI in the first week of September to reach the Indian sub-continent.
This important contract was awarded to SITTI in June 2019, after a very competitive bidding process. It represents a big step towards the modernization of their Air Traffic Control infrastructure all over the country and one of the biggest successes for SITTI.
“The large amount of equipment foreseen by the contract proved the capability of SITTI to cope with high volumes of production,” – Marco Scalia, SITTI Program Manager for this project, said – “by at the same time keeping the same quality standards for all of them, according to the strict applicable analysis and process standards applied by the company.”
In less than one year, SITTI completed the delivery of all foreseen systems and ancillary equipment. We are here speaking of 48 main VCS system plus 16 fallback ones, 77 remote radio stations, 726 controller working positions, 48 voice recording systems.
“The significant investments made by SITTI in improving its internal processes and the optimisation of the production lines put the company in the position of being capable of dealing with large supplies like this, without renouncing to the topmost quality level that make it the reference company worldwide for ATC devices, systems and solutions.” – Roberto Weger added, Communications Manager at SITTI.
All systems supplied to AAI belong to the top performing MULTIFONO® M800IP® family, fully compliant to the international ED 137 VoIP standard for VoIP applications in the ATC field. The extremely easy configuration capability and the flexibility of the functions embedded into the boards and Controller Working Positions make M800IP® the best choice VCS. Top-performing Voice Recorders and VoIP Gateways provide the ancillary functions that complete the offer by SITTI.
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