The North European ANS Providers, NEAP, has decided to initiate a North European FAB

After the completion of the NEFAB pre feasibility study NEAP decided to create a North European FAB (Functional Airspace Block), which will be one of the largest in Europe.
This FAB will be based on segmentation of services and will contribute to an increased flight efficiency, higher safety levels and a greener environment.
- We consider it as a very important step to create one of the largest FABs in Europe. We are convinced that this will appeal to our customers. The consolidated service provision will ensure optimised use of infrastructure and a harmonised service level resulting in reduced costs for our customers, says Thomas Allard, chairman of the NEAP strategy committee.
The NEAP approach to the FAB concept is predicated on meeting customer requirements by the elaboration of service areas in which a consolidated group of organisations deliver services tailored to user requirements specific to each service area.
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