uAvionix to Provide Surface Situational Awareness to Air Traffic Control Towers at U.S. Airports

- Bigfork, MT. USA.

uAvionix has announced its FlightLine ADS-B surveillance and situational awareness system has been selected by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) as a qualified product for Air Traffic Control (ATC) use for reducing the risk of runway incursions at U.S. airports. FlightLine is a cost-effective solution that can be used in an Air Traffic Control Tower (ATCT) environment to provide needed surface situational awareness to facilities without existing surface surveillance systems (currently only 44 airports).

FlightLine tower deployment will be conducted under procurement from the FAA but can also be procured directly by airports or Federal Contract Towers. The first FlightLine deployments by uAvionix were procured by the FAA for Indianapolis International Airport (KIND) and Austin-Bergstrom International Airport (KAUS) towers. The systems will be fully operational by June 30, 2024



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