ANAC - Mali

Visiting address

Postal address

PO Box: 227




Tel +223 229 55 24

Fax +223 229 61 77

Association information


In accordance with Article 2 of the Ordinance No. 05-024 of 27 September 2005 establishing the National Agency for Civil Aviation, ratified by Law No. 05-066 of 26 December 2005, the National Agency Civil Aviation's mission is to participate in the elaboration of elements of the national civil aviation policy and to ensure its implementation and monitoring.

In this capacity, she is responsible for:

  1. Participate in the development of civil aviation regulations in accordance with the standards of the International Civil Aviation Organization and Community provisions and monitor the application of these regulations;
  2. Control the application of safety and security rules of Civil Aviation;
  3. Plan, coordinate and supervise all activities of Civil Aviation;
  4. Supervise the services of Air Navigation;
  5. Develop, implement and monitor aerospace training policy.