ANAC (National Agency of Civil Aviation) - Togo

Visiting address

Postal address

Lome , BP 2699



Tel +228 222 63 740

Fax +228 222 60 860

Association information

Following Decree No. 2007-004 / PR of 07 February 2007 setting the rules of organization and operation of the National Agency of Civil Aviation of Togo (ANAC-TOGO), the Agency's mission is to implement implementation of the State's civil aviation policy.

In this capacity, she is responsible for:

  • the execution of the State's civil aviation policy;
  • the negotiation of international agreements in the context of special powers and warrants conferred by the State;
  • the development of a technical regulation of civil aviation in accordance with the standards of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO);
  • the development and implementation of the Civil Aviation and Air Transport Strategy in accordance with the National Priority Guidelines;
  • the monitoring of the application of the national regulations in force and of the international conventions signed and ratified by Togo as regards safety, security and facilitation;
  • the management of all traffic rights resulting from air agreements signed by the State;
  • the coordination and supervision of all aeronautical and airport activities and the monitoring of the activities of international and regional organizations working in the field of civil aviation;
  • monitoring the management of the land assets of the State assigned to civil aviation;
  • monitoring of the State's commitments in the field of civil aviation.

The Agency represents the State in the commissions, committees, assemblies and councils whose object relates to its missions. This representation is provided by the General Management of the Agency.