ANACIM - Senegal

Visiting address

Postal address

Aéroport Léopold Sédar

SENGHOR Dakar-Yoff , 8184



Tel +221 33 865 60 00

Fax +221 33 820 04 03

Association information

Missions of ANACIM

ANACIM ensures:

Follow-up of State commitments on civil aviation and meteorology;

  • The development of a technical regulation of civil aviation and meteorology in accordance with the standards of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO); The monitoring of the application of the national regulations in force and the international conventions signed and ratified by Senegal;
  • Management of the traffic rights portfolio resulting from the air agreements signed by the State of Senegal;
  • Monitoring the management of the State's land assets allocated to civil aviation and meteorology;
  • Coordinating the supervision and control of all aeronautical and meteorological activities in Senegal, as well as monitoring the activity of international and regional organizations working in the field of civil aviation and meteorology;
  • Safety oversight through the development of civil aviation technical regulations in accordance with the standards of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO); The development and coordination of the implementation of a National Program of Safety of Civil Aviation (PNSAC).
  • ANACIM is also in charge of coordinating the supervision and control of all meteorological activities in Senegal in accordance with the standards of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).
  • The National Agency of Civil Aviation and Meteorology (ANACIM) intends to fully ensure the effective application of Standards and Recommended Practices, in order to be part of the strategic approach of ICAO and WMO to a global supervision of security.

These measures, well implemented, will give or restore confidence to all those who, for various reasons, use the aircraft and the services of meteorology as privileged means of communication and sustainable development.