CAA Czech Republic

Visiting address

Postal address

Úřad pro civilní letectví K letišti 1149/23,

Praha 6 , 160 08

Czech Republic


Tel +420 225 422 080

Fax +420 220 561 823

Association information


CAA CZ executes the state administration in civil aviation matters in the main following areas:

  • aircraft and personnel register
  • certificate of airworthiness of aeronautical products, aircraft and of individually manufactured aircraft
  • performing of airworthiness review
  • personnel licensing
  • type of airport determination and airport operating permit issuance
  • special building authority for aviation structures
  • issuance of air operator certificate
  • Airworthiness Directives (national basis)
  • other duties set out by special regulations

New Responsibilities of the CAA CZ after 01.07.2006
(in accordance with Act No 225/2006 Coll. amending Act No 49/1997 Coll.)

Flight Operations Division

  • authorizes and determines medical authorities
  • supervises air carriers at the compensation in the event of the passengers denied boarding
  • authorizes physical or legal entity to provide the airport and check in services
  • issues commercial air transport licenses
  • determines operator’s flight and duty time limitations and its exceptions
  • makes agreements in accordance with Article 83bis of the Civil Aviation Convention
  • administers the aircraft addresses list

Air Traffic Management and Aerodromes Department

  • authorizes physical or legal entity to:
  • evaluate the flight schedules (timetables)
  • provide the ATS, AMS, AIS and pre-flight and monitoring services
  • decides airport as an airport with scheduled traffic or as a coordinated airport; assigns free slot times
  • issues and revokes Aerodrome certificates
  • issues the technical capability approval for means and devices used during the safety check
  • ensures coordination between civil and military operations
  • authorizes legal entity in the field of the evaluation of units conformity or applicability and verifying of European ATM net systems