CAA - Mauritius

Visiting address

Postal address

SSR International Airport Plaisance Plaine Magnien




Tel +230 603 2000

Fax +230 637 3164

Association information


To foster the development of safe, secure, regular and efficient civil aviation operations;

To regulate and promote civil aviation activities in Mauritius;

To provide safe and efficient air navigation services within our airspace;

To serve the interests of the Mauritian community at large;

We shall accomplish our mission through:

 partnerships with aviation stakeholders;

 highly trained, competent and empowered staff;

 compliance with international civil aviation industry standards and practices;

 high levels of customer service, responsive to the industry and to the public;

 documented policies and procedures;

 state-of-the-art technology.



To be recognized as the best regulator of civil aviation and the best provider of air navigation services in the region.