Visiting address

Postal address

Honduras Headquarters 150 Mts. South Airport




Tel + 504 2283 4771

Fax + 504 2668 2904

Association information

COCESNA  is the body  responsible  for the provision of Air Navigation Services in the Central Region by the Central Agency for Air Navigation Services ACNA, which was created with the reform of the Statute on 1 June 2001 and is physically located in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, and its current director Lic Juan Carlos Trabanino, and where public services are grouped:

  1. Air Traffic Control
  2. Aeronautical Telecommunications
  3. Aeronautical information
  4. Radio-aid to Air Navigation.
  5. Management is currently developing important projects.

Currently the Directorate develops important proyectos.Servicio of air traffic control is a service provided by the Center for Air Traffic Control CENAMER, covering the entire Central American FIR, above 20,000 feet. In sea areas and below that altitude COCESNA provides flight information service. Search and Rescue (SAR) COCESNA acts as Search and Rescue Coordinator Center area (RCC) of the Central SAR system operating in all member countries through the respective sub - centers (RSC). Navaid service Air Navigation Air routes in Central America are based on equipment NDB and VOR / DME. COCESNA provides the service and maintenance gives the  radio aids for navigation and approach routes at major airports in Central America.

Flight Service Verification of  navaids  As part of the maintenance of radio King Air B200 aircraft used to support electronic lab tests, periodic verification of the radiofacilidades in the region, which has a console It allows air checks under unfavorable weather conditions also meet international requirements for certification of  radio aids  in Central America.