DCA - Myanmar

Visiting address

Postal address

H.Q Building, Yangon International Airport,

Yangon , 11021



Tel + 95 1 533007

Fax + 95 1 533016


Association information

To commit a safe, efficient, reliable and secure civil aviation system in Myanmar in accordance with the Myanmar Aircraft Act, the Myanmar Aircraft Rules and the obligations of the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago, 1944) and the Standards and Recommended Practices of the Annexes to the Convention.

Functions of DCA

Safety oversight

The DCA is the regulatory body for aviation safety matters in Myanmar.

The Divisions in the DCA responsible for safety oversight are the Flight Standards Division (FSD), the Airworthiness Division (AWD), the Air Navigation Safety Division (ANSD) and the Aerodrome Standards and Safety Division (ASSD).

Security oversight

Under the guidance and instructions of the National Civil Aviation Security Committee, the DGCA is the executive agent of the Aviation Security Authority for the regulation of aviation security matters in the Myanmar.

The Aviation Security Division (ASD) in the DCA is responsible for aviation security oversight.