Electronic Flight Strips, a new Concept for Air Traffic Control Towers

VDM Verlag Dr. Müller
Thomas Fränzl
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Analysis of operational, functional and human factors, which electronic strip systems for replacement of paper stri

In the next generation air traffic system human centered automation will provide the tools to increase controller efficiency, safety and capacity while decreasing operational cost. This book focuses on one of the last non-digitized tool in air traffic control operations, the Paper Flight Progress Strips and its electronic replacements, the Electronic Flight Strip systems. Paper flights strips, in addition to radar displays, visual observation, and radio communication, are the primary tools tower air traffic controllers use to monitor and control aircraft. The ATC community shows growing interest in using electronic alternatives to paper strips. However, most research so far was centered on the en-route, radar-based control environment and largely ignored the unique operational needs of the Airport Air Traffic Control Tower or the role that flight strips may play with the advent of automation tools. The author analyses the basic operational, functional and human factors issues, which electronic flight strip systems have to fulfill for a successful replacement of paper strips and transition to electronic, automated tools with special focus on the requirements of ATC Towers. About the Author Thomas Fränzl, born 1973 in Austria is head of the User Interface Center of Frequentis Vienna. After his education in computer engineering, air traffic control and user interface design, he completed his MBA with focus aviation. His most challenging projects the last years were the design of electronic flight strips for air traffic control