GATE ONE: Now 11 members on board
Central and Eastern European functional airspace blocks (Baltic FAB, Danube FAB and FAB CE) represented.

The common goal of ANSPs of the three Central and Eastern European functional airspace blocks (Baltic FAB, Danube FAB and FAB CE) covering their whole airspace, including ANSPs of 11 countries into a strategic alliance, is to increase efficiency of the European ATM through a more intensive cooperation.
On the 3rd of February 2014, the ANSP of Bosnia-Hercegovina (BHANSA) joined the Cooperation Agreement signed by the CEOs of ANSPs of Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Poland, Lithuania, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia in Sofia on the 6th of November, 2013.
On the evening preceding the regional SESAR workshop, Gate One members meeting in "Aviation Valley", Rzeszów, Poland, discussed the possibilities and ways of joining SESAR Joint Undertaking (SESAR JU) which is conducting the technical-technological preparations of the new SESAR 2020 programme.
As a result of the meeting, Gate One ANSPs, covering the area from Baltic to Black Sea, have committed to provide their common views in a near future on major European issues to all aviation stakeholders on important ATM-related topics, such as the next steps in the implementation of Single European Sky (SES) or further evolution of EUROCONTROL.
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