NATS publishes the 7th Aviation Index report

- London, U.K.

The Aviation Index is NATS’ annual public perception study.

Every year NATS partners with the research experts at Ipsos to gauge the views of the UK public on a whole range of aviation related topics. From drones and changes to flight paths, to frequent flyer taxes; our aim has been to capture the changing trends in public opinion. Collecting seven years of valuable data, all of which is shared freely with the rest of the industry in the hope it will help inform decision making and identify risks and opportunities. 

A note on fieldwork

Each year, NATS partners with the research specialists at Ipsos to produce the Aviation Index. This year’s survey was conducted online between 8-10 May. 1,220 members of the UK public aged 18+ took part in the survey. Quotas were set on age, gender, ethnicity and UK region and the final data was weighted to generate a representative sample of the UK public. All polls are subject to a wide range of potential sources of error

Read the full report desktop version here: 7th Aviation Index report

Download the full pdf report here: 7th Aviation Index report



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